Legal Mann
Call Me. Let's talk about your case (702) 474-6266

Case Results


Battery with a Deadly Weapon
Court: Las Vegas Justice Court

Client was arrested outside of the MGM Resort and Casino for Battery with a Deadly Weapon. Police alleged that client had attacked a man who was selling items near the casino with a broken beer bottle. The police found the man with large gashes in his head and arms that needed medical attention. Client remained in custody and went before the Justice of the Peace, where she was appointed a Public Defender. Client remained in custody. Client’s mother called the Law Office of Joel M. Mann and ultimately hired Joel to help her daughter. Joel immediately went and visited client in the Clark County Detention Center (CCDC). While visiting, Joel determined that there was a self-defense issue. He took pictures of the client to document her injuries. Joel went to the prosecutor and, within a few days of being hired, the client was out of custody and the case was dismissed.

Reduced: Reckless Driving

Driving Under the Influence
Court: Henderson Municipal Court

An officer with the Henderson Police Department reported that he arrested our client for DUI because our client: (1) failed the nystagmus test (initial eye test); (2) had a “distinct odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his person”; and (3) “demonstrated clues of impairment” during the roadside agility exercises. Client chose to do a blood test and was ultimately found with a blood alcohol amount of .16. Joel M. Mann was able to find strong legal defenses to the case. Joel M. Mann was able to get the client to complete DUI School and the victim impact panel class as well as pay a small fine. Once that was complete, the case was reduced to a reckless driving. Joel was also able to successfully save client’s license from being suspended at the DMV.

Reduced: Reckless Driving

Driving Under the Influence
Court: Henderson Municipal Court

Client was seen driving the wrong direction on Boulder Highway. The Henderson Police Department got in front of the car and pulled Client over. While on the side of the road, the Police Officer determined that he believed Client was under the influence. Client was arrested and a blood test was taken. His blood alcohol content was found to be .099. Client desperately needed his license and could not have a DUI conviction on his record or he would lose his job. Despite the dangerous driving, Joel was able to find defenses and had the case reduced to a reckless driving charge. At the DMV hearing Joel again was able to prevail and had Client’s license reinstated.


Battery Constituting Domestic Violence
Court: Las Vegas Municipal Court

Client had been in a fight with his girlfriend. They were breaking up, and she was extremely upset with him. She was breaking all of his things in his house. He tried to escort his girlfriend out of the house but she ended up falling on some broken items. She was injured and when the police arrived they assumed that Client was the primary physical aggressor. They arrested him and charged him with Battery Constituting Domestic Violence. Joel took the case to trial and was able to present witnesses and evidence that convinced the Judge that the girlfriend was lying about what happened. Client was acquitted of all charges.

Appeal and Acquitted

Battery Constituting Domestic Violence
Court: Las Vegas Municipal Court

Client had broken up with his girlfriend a couple of months prior. She was not taking the break up well and wanted to get back at Client. She called the police and told them that she had been severely beaten by Client as she came home from work. Police went to Client’s house in the middle of the night and arrested him. Client went to trial and presented several alibi witnesses. However, the Judge ultimately decided that the Client was guilty. Joel disagreed with the Court’s ruling and appealed the case. Joel won the appeal and received a new trial. Joel got the previous Judge removed from the case and had the case tried before a new Judge. The new Judge heard the evidence and acquitted the Defendant of the charge.


Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance
Court: Las Vegas Justice Court

Client was visiting Las Vegas with friends for a birthday weekend. On the way to the pool at the Hard Rock Casino, they were searched by hotel security. Client was found with cocaine and ecstasy in her purse. Client was taken to the hotel security office where she remained for several hours. When Las Vegas Metropolitan Police arrived, she confessed that the drugs were hers and that she was planning on using the drugs for personal use. Joel M. Mann was able to go to the prosecutor and talk about the case with the prosecutor. He was able to convince the prosecutor that they had some legal problems with the case and that the client had never been in trouble. Joel M. Mann was able to get the case ultimately dismissed.


Robbery with use of a Deadly Weapon, Kidnapping with Use of Deadly Weapon, Battery with use of a Deadly Weapon
Court: District Court

Client was represented by another attorney and went to trial. The Jury convicted the Client of Kidnapping and Robbery. The Judge sentenced him to multiple life sentences and consecutive sentences. Joel was appointed by the Court to appeal the Client’s convictions. Joel took the case to the Nevada Supreme Court and convinced the Court that the Client was wrongly convicted. The Court reversed the conviction and remanded the case back to the District Court for a new trial. In preparation for the new trial, Joel negotiated the case so the client was able to be released from prison within one year. Client plead guilty to one count of robbery and was scheduled to be paroled in early 2011. Client is no longer facing life in prison.


Battery Constituting Domestic Violence
Court: Las Vegas Municipal Court

Client had been in a fight with his wife when the police were called by a neighbor. The police came and saw the injuries on client’s wife and arrested client. Client came to Joel M. Mann and hired him to represent him on the Domestic Violence charges. Joel took the case to trial, and, before the case was tried, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss the case.

Contact Joel M. Mann. Call or click now! (702) 474-6266 Start Your Case Today