Our Client Experience | Law Offices of Joel M. Mann
The Joel M. Mann - Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer provides residents of Las Vegas and Southern Nevada with criminal defense representation for a wide variety of criminal charges. With Joel M. Mann's legal experience and dedication to a highly personal approach to your case, you are guaranteed to be in good hands throughout the duration of the trial proceedings.
Call The Joel M. Mann - Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer at 702-474-MANN (6266) or visit https://www.legalmann.com to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how you can fight your charges.
If you or a family have member have been arrested or charged with a crime, your whole world stops. Whether the offense is a petty offense or a serious felony, the impact of having to deal with the criminal justice system can be very daunting. It's important that you have someone by your side to stand up for your rights and fight to defend your case at all levels.
My office is prepared to handle your case from start to finish. I can help alleviate your stress by keeping you informed, educating you about the law, and protecting your rights. I'm experienced in dealing with the criminal courts in Las Vegas and the surrounding areas.
I provide my clients with a high level of personal service and have successfully defended a variety of criminal cases, including misdemeanors, felonies, and federal cases. When I represent you, we form a partnership. That partnership is critical to achieving the best results in your case. Contact my office today and schedule your free consultation. Together, we'll discuss the charges brought against you, formulate a defense, and get your world moving in the right direction.
Office Location:
Joel M. Mann - Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer
601 S 7th St
Las Vegas, NV 89101
(702) 474-6266
(702) 789-1045