Most Asked Questions about Grand Larceny
Although we often think of theft as one type of crime, the reality is that most states, including Nevada, have multiple theft crimes on the books. In Nevada, one of the most commonly charged theft-related offenses is grand larceny, which applies in cases where the value of the property that was allegedly stolen is worth more than $650.
Grand larceny is a felony offense, and a conviction comes with severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines. So it is important for those who have been accused of grand larceny in Nevada to speak with an experienced Las Vegas criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.
At the Joel M. Mann – Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer, we have extensive experience handling grand larceny cases. We are here to talk through your case and answer all your questions. Contact us today to set up your free and confidential consultation.
What Is Considered Grand Larceny?
Nevada law defines grand larceny as the intentional stealing, taking, or carrying away of someone else’s:
- Personal goods or property
- Bedding, furniture, or other property, which the accused had access to as a lodger
- Real property that the accused converted into personal property by removing it
In all of these instances, an offense will only qualify as grand larceny if the property taken was worth $650 or more. Common examples of offenses that could result in grand larceny charges include shoplifting and taking items from hotel rooms.
Although the seriousness of a grand larceny charge depends on the value of the property in question, all grand larceny crimes are charged as felony offenses.
What Determines the Category or Degree of Larceny Charges?
Although grand larceny is always charged as a felony, the type of felony depends on a number of factors, including the type and value of the property that was allegedly taken. For instance:
- When the property in question is valued at less than $3,500, a person can expect to face a Category C felony charge, which is punishable by between one and four years’ imprisonment.
- The unlawful taking of goods that are valued at $3,500 or more, on the other hand, is charged as a Category B felony. Category B felonies are punishable by between one and 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to $10,000.
In addition to prison time and fines, those who are convicted of grand larceny in Nevada will be required to pay restitution to the wronged parties.
In some cases, it is not the value of the property that dictates how an offense is charged, but the type of property in question. A person who intentionally steals a firearm, for instance, can automatically be charged with a Category B felony regardless of the firearm’s value.
Similarly, someone who is accused of stealing a vehicle can be charged with grand larceny of a motor vehicle, which is generally considered a Category C felony, although in some cases, it can be charged as a Category B felony if the vehicle was valued at $3,500 or more.
What Are the Common Defenses to a Larceny Charge?
Grand larceny is categorized as a crime of intent in Nevada, which means that a person can only be convicted of this offense if prosecutors can prove that a defendant actually intended to take someone else’s property.
Further, this type of offense will only support a felony charge if the property in question is valued as being worth at least $650. This means that prosecutors must also be able to demonstrate the reasonable value of the property in question. This usually requires more than just the testimony of the security officer who allegedly witnessed the event or even the amount that is listed on a price tag.
In some cases, the whole situation may just be a misunderstanding. The defense may be able to argue that there was no intent to take the item in question.
The defense attorney may also use evidence of the current market value or expert testimony to contradict a prosecutor’s claim regarding an item’s proper value. It is important to note, however, that courts will always apply the highest reasonable value.
In addition to these defenses, those who are accused of grand larceny in Nevada can also argue that they were the actual owners of the property, or that the evidence obtained by law enforcement was collected in violation of search and seizure laws.
Attorney Joel M. Mann can review the specifics of your case and identify all possible defense strategies.
Can Grand Larceny Be Expunged?
Having a criminal record can make it difficult to secure employment and find housing. Fortunately, those who have been accused of grand larceny in Nevada can have their records sealed, which means that the public and most government agencies will not have access to the records.
However, it is usually necessary to satisfy a waiting period before a person can apply to have his or her record sealed, unless the individual in question was acquitted, or his or her charges were dismissed, in which case there is no waiting period.
Those who were found or pled guilty to grand larceny charges must wait five years before pursuing a record sealing. Those whose charges were reduced to a misdemeanor, on the other hand, will only need to wait one year before they can apply for record sealing, or two years for gross misdemeanor charges.
In Summary
If you have been accused of grand larceny, you could be facing serious penalties if convicted. To learn more about the possible defenses that you could raise on your behalf, please call dedicated Las Vegas criminal defense attorney Joel M. Mann today.
You can schedule a case review with our legal team by calling our Las Vegas law office or completing one of our brief online contact forms. We do not charge for this initial consultation, so please don’t hesitate to call or contact us online at your earliest convenience.